How to make a home working request?
1. How to submit a remote work request? To submit a request, follow these steps: Go to My Profile Time Offs and Absences. Click on the Add new request button. Choose the reason Remote work (the wording may vary) and the relevant period. Add a comment or attach a file (Optional). Click the Add request button to validate it. Your request will then be forwarded to the relevant people for approval. 2. What happens once the period is selected? The days with tSome readersHow to make a recurring home working request?
1. What is a recurring home working request? A recurring request refers to a request covering specific, repetitive days, such as every Wednesday, for example. 2. How to submit a recurring home working request? To submit a recurring request, follow these steps: Go to My Profile Time Offs and Absences. Click on the Add new request button. Select the reason Remote Work (the wording may vary) and the relevant period. Click on the recurring days in the gray box to thSome readersHow to track the progress of my home working request?
Once you have submitted a home working request, its status will evolve based on its processing: Request to Review: The request is awaiting validation by the responsible person. Request Accepted: The request has been approved. Request Rejected: The request has been denied. Modification to Review: The modification request is awaiting validation by the responsible person. Cancellation to Review: The cancellation request is awaiting validation by the responsible personFew readersHow to modify or cancel a home working request?
1. How to modify a home working request? If you wish to modify an already submitted request, follow these steps: Click on the status of the relevant request. Change the necessary information, such as the period or the requested hours. Click on the Request modification button. Your modification request will follow the same approval process as the initial request. It can be either approved or rejected by the responsible person. 2. How to cancel a home working request? ToSome readersHow to view the history of my home working requests?
To view the history of your home working requests: Go to My Profile Time Offs and Absences. Check the Latest Requests section, which displays the last five requests. Click on the View Requests button to access all of your requests. Select the absence type Remote Work (the wording may vary). Can I filter the requests for better readability? Yes, you can filter your requests based on different criteria: Status: select the type of status (e.g., request to revFew readers