Frequently Read Articles
Browse All Categories
- LoginAccess and authentication questions for the myHR platform
- DashboardQuestions related to the employee dashboard
- My ProfileQuestions related to the employee's personal and professional data within the company
- DocumentsQuestions related to access to the employee's personal documents and the company's shared documents
- Time Offs & AbsencesQuestions related to the employee's leave and absences
- Home WorkingQuestions related to the employee's home working
- Punch ClockQuestions related to the use of the punch clock
- TimesheetsQuestions related to the use of timesheets
- PlanningQuestions related to the use of the planning
- CalendarQuestions related to the calendar
- Expense ReportsQuestions related to employee expense reports
- Organizational chartQuestions related to the company's organizational chart
- Employee directoryQuestions related to the company's employee directory
- Internal CommunicationQuestions related to internal communication within the company
- HR InformationPractical information related to human resources
- myHR InfoQuestions related to myHR